Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What If I Was Hurt at a Miami Gym?
There are many exercise classes, fitness clubs, and gyms throughout Florida. After all, exercising is part of a healthy lifestyle. Miami residents find stress relief through workouts, but there are times when people get hurt. And it makes sense, when you take into account the possibility of wet floors, dirty mats, and fitness machines… Read More »

Can I Get a Settlement from a Miami Limo Company?
Limousine accidents happen for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes they happen due to driver error. In other situations the construction of the limo creates risks. When limos are poorly created, they may not have enough structural support to handle the weight and length of the extended vehicle. When a Miami resident chooses to… Read More »

Symptoms of Whiplash After a Miami Accident
It is common for Miami car accidents to result in an individual experiencing a whiplash injury. When vehicles turn or stop unexpectedly, a person’s head and neck can be thrown in an unnatural manner. The extent of the injury depends on the situation. Some find their whiplash injury heals with rest, but others suffer… Read More »

Risks of Walking While Distracted In Miami
While everyone knows it is dangerous to text while driving, many do not consider the risks of texting while walking. Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic collisions and there are risks to being distracted while walking as well. Because walkers need to pay attention to what is happening around them. If you… Read More »

What to Do When Dental Procedures Go Wrong
While many do not look forward to dental procedures, they often would never imagine the procedure itself would cause further injury. But the truth is dental malpractice does occur. According to some studies, it is estimated a minimum of five percent of medical malpractice suits are in connection to dental injuries. If a medical… Read More »

Seeking Economic and Non-Economic Damages After a Miami Accident
When an individual is hurt because of another’s negligence, they may decide to move forward with a personal injury claim to secure damage recovery. This is true in a variety of circumstances, including Miami car accidents and workplace injuries. Damages are often separated into two categories; economic and non-economic. Are you wondering what the… Read More »

Delay Onset Injury Is Possible After a Miami Crash
It is traumatic to be in a car crash. And sometimes people do not immediately feel pain, due to the issue being delayed onset, because of a surge of adrenaline, or a combination of both. But it is important to know that injuries that are slow to show can still create severe health issues…. Read More »

How to File a Miami Personal Injury Claim
After a Miami accident, it may be necessary to file a personal injury claim. Filing a claim means the person injured could be compensated for damages by the entity or person responsible. If you have never filed a claim before, you may be confused about how to get started. A qualified attorney has the… Read More »

When Damaged Vehicles Are in Miami Accidents
Insurance companies will often pay out on expenses after a Miami car accident, but the settlement amounts are to pay for the damages caused by the event. When a car was already damaged, the insurance adjuster could claim a lower amount is needed. Or they could deny the claim completely. If you were in… Read More »

Honesty Is the Best Policy When Working with Your Lawyer
After a Florida slip and fall event or a car crash, an injured party can find themselves facing long recovery times and high expenses. In order to secure their future, pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit can become essential. If the person has a checkered past, they may resist being honest with their… Read More »