Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Preparing for a Miami Court Appearance
There are many people who do not find going to court to be a pleasant experience. After all, it is an unfamiliar environment for individuals who do not work within the legal system. But with planning and an experienced Miami personal injury lawyer on your side, a court appearance could be a paving stone… Read More »

Fractures from Different Types of Accidents
While nobody wants to experience a fracture, some estimates state that the average individual, over the course of their life, will experience two broken bone injuries. Depending on the extent of the fracture, there could be hospital stays or physical therapy. Car collisions are extreme events, fractures can lead to lifelong health issues. There… Read More »

Tips for Choosing a Miami Nursing Home
There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an assisted living facility or nursing home location for a family member. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect do happen in some nursing home environments. One of the issues that can lead to mistreatment is low staffing levels. Do not sign a contract without doing your… Read More »

School Bus Accidents and Liability
School buses are a common way to transport children in many Florida cities and towns. While these vehicles are trusted forms of transportation, accidents do occur. Children can be injured when school buses collide with cars on the road, other school buses, or buildings. If you were involved in an accident with a school… Read More »

Florida Cities with High Pedestrian Accident Numbers
Walking is a wonderful way to get around when you live in Florida. After all, our weather is full of sunny days and blue skies. Many live in the sunshine state specifically so they can spend more time outside, and this includes walking for exercise, leisure, and transportation. While walking is a healthy activity… Read More »

Burn Degree Levels After an Accident
Sustaining burns, from a car accident or workplace injury, can be incredibly painful and result in extensive medical care. Burn victims may require surgery, long hospital stays, extensive rehabilitation, and there can even be secondary conditions that develop because of a burn. An experienced burn injury attorney can help injured parties receive the compensation… Read More »

Miami Jet Ski Accidents Result In Injuries
Florida is known for sunny skies and stunning beaches. Many take advantage of these state assets by spending a day on the water enjoying a ride on a jet ski or another type of personal watercraft. The goal is always to have fun, so many do not assess how dangerous these machines can be…. Read More »

What Are the Steps Involved for a Slip and Fall Case?
People slip and fall, everyone is human and it does happen. But if you are injured when you fell, and the slip or trip happened on another’s property, a lawsuit could follow. This is true in situations where the property owner was negligent. But, there are statute of limitations to restrict the amount of… Read More »

Driver U-Turns Can Cause Miami Accidents
Have you seen a Miami driver make an illegal U-turn? If so, you are not alone. When drivers make reckless moves or drive erratically, accidents can follow. Moving a vehicle in a 180 degree direction, essentially putting a vehicle in the opposite direction after moving the car in the shape of a U, is… Read More »

Photographs Are Strong Forms of Evidence
If you were injured in a car accident, you may want to move forward with a personal injury claim to secure the financial compensation needed to put the event behind you, paying off bills and recovering from lost wages. To strengthen a claim, take photographs or videos of the accident site, including the cars… Read More »