Category Archives: Miami Car Accident Lawyer

Determining Liability After An Accident Involving A Car And A Jogger
With warm weather throughout the year, many who live in Florida choose to exercise outside. Going for a run is a popular form of exercise for many in South Florida. While this can be a healthy way to get fit and reduce stress, sharing streets with cars does carry risk. If you were in… Read More »

Legal Options After A Miami Hit And Run Accident
Even if you have never been in a car accident, you know that if one were to occur it is essential that you stop and exchange contact information and insurance information with others involved in the event. You are legally obligated to do so, plus it is the correct thing to do. That said,… Read More »

Have Car Repairs Done By A Professional
After a car crash, it is possible your car will need auto body repairs. It is common for people to work on cars as a hobby. If this is true for yourself or someone in your family or social circle, you may be considering fixing your car accident damage yourself. This is not recommended…. Read More »

What To Do After A Late-Night Accident
There are accident risks when driving at night, and getting in a collision after dark can be particularly scary as it may be difficult to see what happened and if there are any injuries. Because of low light, drivers may misjudge the distance between themselves and a hazard, even when headlights and traffic lights… Read More »

Someone Hit My Car And Left Without A Note
Seeing that your car has been hit as you leave a grocery store or your office is not uncommon, unfortunately. Too often parked cars are hit and the person who did the damage drives away. The damage that is left behind can be costly, repairs range from fixing as scratch to major body work…. Read More »

Miami School Bus Safety Tips
Care and safety is essential when it comes to school buses. If you are a driver who is sharing the road with a Florida school bus or driving through a school zone, be sure to stay alert. There can be unexpected risks in school zones, there could be school buses turning into school parking… Read More »

Misjudging Speed And Other Left Turn Risks
Intersection accidents are common, and many of these events are prompted by drivers who are performing a left turn. There can be serious harm when you make a turn and are not able to see clearly or misjudge the speed of one or more approaching vehicles. Because the majority of Florida roads have two… Read More »

Types Of Rideshare Services In Florida
Rideshare services are relied on by many in the sunshine state. Some older adults use them to shop and run errands as they no longer enjoy driving. Younger people may turn to rideshare services to give them rides on a night out so they can drink alcohol and not get behind the wheel of… Read More »

Storms Create Accident Risks
When storms and extreme weather strikes, it is essential drivers assess risks. Often, the best and safest thing to do is to stay off the roads. If you hear about a storm brewing on the news or see it out the window, consider calling your destination and letting them know you will be waiting… Read More »

Diminished Vehicle Value And Your Claim
In the moments following a car crash, it is common for everyone involved to ask others if they are okay. This is an essential step as physical injuries need to be treated as soon as possible, for the health of the individual and so a proper treatment plan can be developed and put in… Read More »