Category Archives: Distracted Driving

What Is a Physical Distraction When Driving?
Cellphones are a common form of distracted driving. So much so, that mobile devices are often the first thing that pops into people’s heads when they are discussing distracted driving. And yes, devices are a problem, but they are not the only form of distracted driving. Many accidents occur because of drivers attempting to… Read More »

Florida Drivers Participate In Distracted Driving
When people drive daily, it is common for them to forget the importance of paying attention at every moment. Of course there is the urge to eat the food picked up from a drive through window, change the music, or check a phone for texts and emails, but those temptations must be ignored to… Read More »

Florida Prevents Personal Injuries with Going Hands-Free in Miami School Zones
Because cell phone use has become a problem in Florida and throughout the nation, as of October 1, 2019, Miamians are no longer able to use or hold cell phones in school zones. The law stems from the ban on texting and driving throughout our state earlier this year. The limit on cell phone… Read More »

What Are the Top Causes of Florida Car Accidents?
There were approximately 402,385 car accidents in Florida in 2017, which averages out to 1,098 crashes per day. 2,924 of those crashes were fatal and 166,612 resulted in injuries. There were 3,116 fatalities, which means that a couple hundred accidents resulted in multiple fatalities. The 400,000 plus accidents resulted in 254,310 injuries and 20,380… Read More »

Hands-Free Devices: Are They Really Safer While Driving?
Distracted driving has quickly become the number one cause of accidents in the U.S. today, outranking those caused by drunk drivers and reckless drivers. This is wholly thanks to technology, which has enabled us to do more from just about anywhere with an internet connection. To cut back on the number of distracted driving… Read More »

Smart Phones Are the Cause of 1 in 4 Car Accidents
It is not news to say that distracted drivers are the number one cause of car accidents across the nation, nor is it news to say that smart phones and other cellular devices are the number one cause of distractions. However, no matter how much we know about the dangers of cellphone use while… Read More »

Should Cellphone Companies Be Held Liable for Distracted Driving Accidents?
Cellphones pervade every aspect of our culture today, and everyone from high power CEOs to high school seniors use them hourly to communicate, search for answers, and entertain themselves in general. It is no wonder, then, that cellphones are a leading cause of traffic accidents in today’s society, and continue to pose a greater… Read More »

Proving That Drowsy Driving Was the Cause of a Trucking Accident
Last May, a semi truck driver from Moorhead, MD fell asleep at the wheel on Interstate-10 in Washington County. One month later, he was charged with careless driving. Fortunately, no one was killed in that accident. Not all victims of truck accidents are so lucky, however. Though there are regulations in place that are… Read More »

Mobile Phones and Driving
“Don’t drink and drive.” That phrase has been repeated countless times from concerned friends and family, and even from the television. While drunk driving is extremely dangerous and causes many automobile accidents resulting in injuries and death, unfortunately, it is not the only significant way in which accidents are caused. Another major cause of… Read More »