Category Archives: Slip and Fall

Where Do Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?
People can be injured in a slip and fall event at any time. It is a scary reality that these are unpredictable events and anyone can fall and hurt themselves anywhere they happen to be. But, there are things individuals can do to reduce risks. For this reason, it is the responsibility of property… Read More »

What Are the Steps Involved for a Slip and Fall Case?
People slip and fall, everyone is human and it does happen. But if you are injured when you fell, and the slip or trip happened on another’s property, a lawsuit could follow. This is true in situations where the property owner was negligent. But, there are statute of limitations to restrict the amount of… Read More »

Basics of a Slip and Fall Case
It is common for people to slip or fall occasionally. Luckily, when an individual takes a tumble they can often get up on their own without any harm. That said, there are injuries that are sustained from trips and slips, and sometimes these injuries are serious. There have been hospitalizations and lifelong injuries connected… Read More »

Are Slip Injuries and Trip Injuries the Same?
While there are multiple accidents related to falls, a slip injury is different than a fall injury. It is important to establish why an injury occurred and a Miami slip & fall lawyer can help you to determine why it happened. You may be eligible for compensation if the injury happened at a business… Read More »

Importance of Accident Reports in Miami Slip and Fall Claims
Slip and fall victims in Miami are entitled to recover monetary compensation for their injuries. But proving someone else’s negligence caused the slip and fall claim is not always easy. That’s why it’s important to build a solid slip and fall claim with this key document – the accident report. Today, you will discover… Read More »

Dispelling Slip and Fall Myths: Why Can’t I Get Money for My Slip and Fall?
There’s a common misconception about slip and falls. Many people believe that if they slip and fall on someone’s property that they can sue and get money as a result. Unfortunately, this is not true. In order to recover money for a slip and fall accident on another’s property, certain elements must take occur…. Read More »

Cell Phones: A Distraction in Slip and Falls in Miami
The technological advancement of cell phones has changed the way people move about through life. Everywhere you go you see people scrolling and texting away on their cellphones. People use their cell phones in the airport, standing in line at a concert, at the movies, or just when they’re bored. Cell phones are no… Read More »

Protecting Yourself From Slips and Falls
Slips and falls may seem funny, until you are injured by one. While some incidents are minor, others can cause head trauma, back and neck pain, broken bones and other painful injuries. These injuries can cause permanent disability and long-term pain and suffering. While there’s not much you can do if you are injured… Read More »

Basics of a Florida Slip and Fall Case
In slip and fall injuries, a person slips, falls and injures himself or herself due to the negligence of the owner of the business or property in which she slipped. Under tort law which encompasses personal injury law, the injured person can recover monetary compensation for her injuries when certain elements are met. The… Read More »

Basics of a Florida Slip and Fall Case
In slip and fall injuries, a person slips, falls and injures himself or herself due to the negligence of the owner of the business or property in which she slipped. Under tort law which encompasses personal injury law, the injured person can recover monetary compensation for her injuries when certain elements are met. The… Read More »