Category Archives: Slip and Fall

Tips for Settling a Slip and Fall Case
The majority of personal injury cases in the United States settle out of court. Slip and fall claims are no different. However, the amount for which most accident claims settle varies from case to case and is dependent upon a number of factors, including the severity of injuries, the extent of damages, and how… Read More »

Evidence That Can Help Your Slip And Fall Case
If you recently suffered a slip and fall that left you with serious and expensive injuries, you should exercise your right to pursue compensation via a premises liability claim. If successful in your claim, you will be awarded money to cover the cost of your medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and,… Read More »

The Slip And Fall Lawsuit Process: Here Is What You Can Expect
Many people think of a slip and fall as an incident from which you can get up and walk away. In reality, however, those people have never before been involved in a serious slip and fall. A slip and fall accident can be just as physically and financially devastating as a car accident. If… Read More »

So, You Tripped On A Public Sidewalk…What Can You Do?
You may have heard that if you slip and fall in a grocery store, retail location, or other business locale that you can collect damages for injuries sustained. This is true. However, what happens when you slip and fall on a public sidewalk and get seriously injured? Who would be liable for your injuries… Read More »

What Measures Should a Store Take to Prevent Slip and Fall Injuries?
Store owners and managers in Miami have a responsibility to their patrons and employees to provide a safe shopping environment. Safe means free of hazards, which can and does include puddles, spills, and other tripping or slipping risks. Under Florida Statute 768.0755, a property owner or manager can be held liable for injuries sustained… Read More »

Understanding Negligent Security Law in Florida
In June 2016, a gunman walked into an Orlando nightclub and shot up the venue, killing 49 individuals in the process, the deadliest mass shooting since 9/11 according to authorities. As a Florida personal injury law firm, we have to wonder, was the nightclub in any way to blame? We are not saying that… Read More »

Slip and Fall Injuries, FAQs
Not many people understand the basics of slip, trip, and fall cases in Florida, which can be a pitfall to anyone involved in a classic case of slip, trip, and fall. The personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law in Miami, Florida aim to inform victims of premises accidents about their legal rights, that… Read More »

What You Should Know About Slips, Trips, & Falls On Commercial Property
While slip, trip, and fall accidents are some of the most commonly occurring accidents on public premises, liability in these types of accidents is actually quite difficult to prove, and so they often go uncompensated. Yet, slip, trip, and falls can result in serious injuries, from broken limbs to concussions, and lead to the… Read More »

Recent Fall Cases
Many people have experienced a slip and fall accident in their lives. However, sometimes those falls occur on the property of a business, and serious occurs. This leaves the business, or owner of the property, liable to a lawsuit and potentially responsible for your injuries. Regarding slips and falls, Florida Statute 768.0755, enacted in… Read More »