Category Archives: Product Liability

Defective Products And Determining Fault
With so many products on the market at any given time, it stands to reason that some of them could be defective. There is a wide range of defective products that have led to insurance claims. For example, an airbag in a car could not deploy as intended or a prescription medication could carry… Read More »

What is Product Liability Law?
Imagine you buy a hairdryer in the hopes it will help you tame your otherwise unpredictable hair. Then, it catches on fire in your bathroom. If you were injured by the dangerous or defective product, who would be held responsible? A consumer can initiate a lawsuit against any party involved in the chain of… Read More »

Who Can You Sue And For What Damages When You Are Injured By A Product?
When we purchase products, we trust that those products have been designed and manufactured with our safety in mind. We also trust that if there is a potential health issue, the company will take reasonable measures to warn us of the possible defect and ensure that we do not use the product in a… Read More »