Construction Accidents in Florida

The population in Florida is growing. In 2018, Florida saw an 11.6% population growth, making it the third most populated state in the U.S. Unfortunately, with the demand for new construction and remodeling throughout Florida comes the possibility for construction-related accidents.
Property owners and employers of construction workers have a duty to their employees to provide a safe working environment. When accidents occur due to the negligence or recklessness of the property owner, contractor or developer, the victim may be able to recover compensation for his or her injuries with the assistance of experienced Miami construction accident lawyers.
How Many Construction Related Injuries and Deaths Occur Yearly in the United States?
In 2017, 5,147 workers died in the U.S. while on the job, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2017, fatal falls by workers were the highest they’ve been in 26 years and accounted for 17% of workers’ deaths. Over 40% of the deaths occurred due to transportation accidents.
Of the 5,147 fatalities, 970 occurred in the construction field. This data shows us how potentially dangerous working in construction can be, especially when property owners and employers do not use reasonable care in creating a safe working environment. Indeed, construction workers are four times more likely than other employees to die on the job. Common construction accident-related injuries include:
- Forklift accidents
- Excavation injuries
- Collapsing scaffolding
- Falling off a ladder
- Accidents involving heavy construction machinery
In 2016, construction workers suffered 24,650 nonfatal injuries. The most common injuries included injuries of the hand while using construction equipment. Back injuries were the second most common.
What Should I Do If I’ve Been in a Construction Accident?
If you’ve been in a construction accident, we recommend that you contact an experienced personal injury attorney right away. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation but that amount of compensation might not cover your medical bills and loss of income.
In Florida, plaintiffs have four years to file a personal injury lawsuit. The sooner you file your lawsuit the better as your attorneys will have more time to conduct investigations, gather evidence and interview potential witnesses.
Let Our Experienced Attorneys Help You Recover Compensation for Your Miami Construction Accident
If you hope to settle out of court for the construction injuries you’ve sustained, our attorneys will effectively negotiate on your behalf for the best settlement offer possible. If you need to proceed to trial, our skilled personal injury law litigators will fight for your rights throughout the entire trial process. We are familiar with Florida courts at every level and are ready to skillfully take your case to trial.
If you or a loved one has experienced an injury or death resulting from a construction accident, it is advantageous to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to help guide you through the process of seeking compensation. Contact the Miami construction accident attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law today for assistance with your case.