Do You Have A Prescription Drug Liability Case?

According to U.S. News & World Report, more than 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug, while more than 50 percent take two or more, a two-decade high. Though prescription drugs are prescribed to help people, they often end up doing more harm than good. While many of those instances are the result of prescription drug abuse, a good portion are the result of plain bad drugs.
According to the same source, more than 128,000 Americans die as a result of taking medications as prescribed—five times more than the number of deaths caused by prescription drug overdoses. In addition to those 200,000 deaths, many more experience life-altering issues such as stroke, heart attack, and blood clots because of inadequate testing, improper warnings, or worse, in spite of negative test results.
If you or someone you know has been injured or killed as the result of unsafe prescriptions drugs, you are entitled to compensation. The Miami medical malpractice lawyers at Spencer Morgan Law can help you fight big-pharma and walk away with the compensation you need to recover in this difficult time of your life.
Prescription Drug Liability in Florida
Because prescription drug injuries can result from a number of things, there are many causes of actions that might merit a prescription drug claim. However, because those would require a whole whitepaper to explain, we are going to use this blog to discuss the three most common ones. Those involve:
- Adverse Side Effects;
- Improper Manufacturing; and
- Misleading Instructions.
Adverse Side Effects
All drugs come with side effects, and if a manufacturer says a drug does not, it is not being truthful. That said, most manufacturers would not be so brazen as to omit all side effects. However, many do not have any qualms about omitting a few smaller side effects for the purpose of appealing to a larger customer base.
Drug manufacturers have a responsibility to users to educate them about all the potential side effects of their products, and not just a select few. If a drug company knowingly omits any information about their products, and if a consumer is harmed as a result, the manufacturer could be held liable for damages.
Improper Manufacturing
Many prescription drug liability cases stem from drugs that have been improperly manufactured or that were improperly handled from some point between manufacturing and distribution. These drugs are often the most dangerous, as they result in unknown and adverse chemical reactions. Again, if a user is harmed because of a tainted drug, the manufacturer may be held liable.
Misleading Instructions
In addition to producing safe drugs and warning users of all potential side effects, manufacturers also have a duty to provide information on proper use. For instance, most medications produce harmful side effects when combined with other drugs or alcohol. This is something users need to be aware of, especially if they take multiple medications. This duty does not just fall on manufacturers either. Doctors and pharmacists are also responsible for ensuring that prescribed drugs do not adversely react with others and result in life-altering injuries.
Retain the Help of a Miami Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one has been injured or has died as a result of a bad drug or adverse drug reaction, reach out the Miami personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law today. Our attorneys can review the circumstances of your situation, gather the necessary evidence, and fight on your behalf to ensure that the drug company is held liable for its negligence. Call today to schedule your free consultation.