Florida Drivers Participate In Distracted Driving

When people drive daily, it is common for them to forget the importance of paying attention at every moment. Of course there is the urge to eat the food picked up from a drive through window, change the music, or check a phone for texts and emails, but those temptations must be ignored to drive as safely as possible.
It is estimated there are over a thousand injuries every day due to distracted driving in the United States. And distracted driving isn’t solely visual, it can also be manual or cognitive in nature. If you have been injured in a Florida car crash, a Miami car accident lawyer can assess the situation and determine if distracted driving was part of the reason the accident occurred.
Are Hands-Free Devices Safe?
Too often, drivers believe if they use hands-free devices they are not distracted. While devices that are controlled on the steering wheel or through voice commands are helpful in keeping a driver’s hands on the wheel, drivers may still be distracted mentally. If they are too involved in the phone call or another conversation they are managing, they may be slow to recognize road dangers.
Many devices also make alert noises or movements when messages and calls arrive. If a person feels the message must be tended to without delay, they may take their attention off of the road. Pulling over is the best move in these instances.
Force of Habit to Interact with Phones
Multitasking is when a person performs more than one task at a time. While people think they are good at multitasking, the reality is errors can happen because the person is not able to give each task sufficient attention. Many check their phone for texts, emails, and social media connections throughout the day. They simply need to train themselves to not do this while driving.
It does not take a lot of time for a car accident to happen. When a driver is distracted for even a moment a crash can result. And there are many forms of distracted driving, whether that distraction is a cell phone, a sandwich, or moving items around within a vehicle.
Safe driving is attentive driving. A driver’s eyes and mind need to be focused on the rules of the road, other vehicles, and potential hazards. Hands-free technology can be incredibly useful, but the benefits of these devices do not mean the driver can slack off in their duties of being aware at all times.
If you or someone you love is a personal injury victim, you should not have to pay for medical bills out of your own pocket. You deserve fair compensation.
Contact a Miami Personal Injury Lawyer Today
If you were in a Florida car accident and you believe a distracted driver was the cause, talk to the Miami personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law. You need a knowledgeable attorney on your side, a legal professional to help you secure a fair settlement amount. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.