Miami Bicycle Accidents Cause Injuries

Riding a bike can be an enjoyable way to save money on gas and get in shape. But unfortunately, riding a bicycle in Miami can be extremely dangerous. There are an average of six bike fatalities in Miami annually. That is extremely high.
When riding a bicycle in Miami, do what you can to keep yourself safe. If there is an injury, be sure to speak with a Miami personal injury lawyer to understand your rights.
Make Sure Cars Can See You
Bike riders need to be sure they are visible to others on the road. Wear reflective clothing and utilize bike lights throughout the day. Too often, riders believe these precautions are only needed at night. The truth is, it is best to always have on visible clothing and lights are required by law in the State of Florida.
Pay attention when on your bike as well. When car drivers are driving and distracted, accidents can happen, and the same is true for bike riders. When you feel your attention wandering, remember to focus on the road. When someone is on a bike and not focused, there is an increased chance of them unintentionally riding into the door of a parked car or being hit by another car.
The Rules Apply to Bikes
While bikes can provide a feeling of freedom, they are required to follow the same rules of the road that apply to other vehicles.
Rather than biking as fast as possible, maintain a speed that is safe and you are able to stop if needed. Car doors can be a big hazard for bikes. Plus, there are times you will need to stop because of an unexpected change on the road, from a car moving into a bike lane or a traffic signal changing.
- Come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs
- Alert other drivers to turns or stops with hand signals
- Yield to individual pedestrians
If you have been in an accident and you feel the other party is liable, it is possible you are eligible for compensation. Share the details of the accident with a Miami personal injury lawyer. An experienced attorney can assess your situation. It is possible another person is liable, particularly if a car swerved into a lane dedicated for bicyclists or failed to follow traffic rules. If they ran a red light, for example.
In Florida, bike accident victims must file a lawsuit within four years. It is best not to delay. Witnesses may not remember the event or they may be harder to find with passing time. A speedy investigation will help you to secure compensation.
Biking can be a great form of transportation, if it is done safely. All bikes need to be aware of their surroundings and follow the rules of the road. If you have been injured in a Miami bike crash, the qualified attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law can help. While you focus on your recovery, our knowledgeable lawyers can secure compensation. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.