Miami Electric Scooter Accident Lawyer
If you’ve spent any time outdoors in public, you’ve most likely seen the many electric scooters that people are using on the sidewalks and streets in Florida cities. They were initially introduced as a way to encourage the use of an eco-friendly method of transportation as an alternative to cars and have become very popular. Accidents involving electric scooters have the potential to happen frequently, and the injuries sustained in these scooter accidents can be serious. If you or someone you know has been injured while riding an electric scooter, either due to a scooter malfunction or another’s negligence, you may be entitled to make a claim for your injuries. Contact our Miami electric scooter accident lawyer for more information or assistance.
Contact Experienced Miami Pedestrian & Electric Scooter Accident Lawyers Today
We have experience handling these relatively new type of cases and the law is not settled in many respects as to their usage. Let Spencer Morgan Law assist you, a friend, or loved one if they are injured in an Miami e-scooter accident.