Range Anxiety And EV Accidents

With the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), Miami residents are increasingly adopting this eco-friendly alternative. While EVs come with numerous benefits, they also present unique challenges, one of which is range anxiety.
Range anxiety is a term describing the fear that an EV will run out of battery before reaching a charging station. In some cases, range anxiety can lead to risky driving behaviors, increasing the likelihood of traffic collisions. Talk to a Miami personal injury lawyer if you believe you were struck by another vehicle because they drove recklessly.
How Range Anxiety Can Lead to Traffic Collisions
Unlike gasoline-powered cars, which can be refueled quickly at numerous gas stations, EVs require specific charging stations. Drivers who are unfamiliar with how far their EV can travel on a single charge, or who are driving long distances, may experience range anxiety, affecting a driver’s decision-making and behavior behind the wheel.
When a driver is overly focused on conserving power or reaching a charger, they may neglect safe driving practices.
- Sudden stops or pulling over to the shoulder. In an attempt to preserve battery life, a driver may pull over to the side of the road without signaling or stopping in an unsafe location, potentially causing a collision.
- Distracted driving. Constantly checking the battery level or navigating to the nearest charging station can lead to distracted driving, increasing the likelihood of an accident.
- Aggressive driving. A driver in panic mode may speed or weave through traffic in an attempt to reach a charging station before their battery dies, which can lead to reckless driving and accidents
Fortunately, as EV adoption grows, these panicked behaviors can be avoided as the availability of charging stations grows. For instance, there are now apps to help drivers locate public charging stations. Additionally, there are hotels and restaurants that now offer EV charging as an amenity for guests and customers. And for those who frequently drive in Miami, installing a home charging station is a reliable way to ensure an EV is charged and ready for the road.
What a Driver Should Do If They Run Out of Power
Running out of power in an EV is much like running out of gas, but it can be more challenging to address since towing to a charging station may be necessary. If you notice your battery is running dangerously low, pull over to a safe location where you can wait for assistance.
Next, contact roadside assistance or a towing service that specializes in electric vehicles. Many services now have mobile chargers that can provide a small charge to get you to the nearest charging station. When an accident occurs while running out of power, be sure to report the accident to law enforcement and connect with a Miami personal injury lawyer to discuss damage recovery options.
Was range anxiety a contributor to a traffic incident you were involved in? The attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law can help determine liability and seek compensation for your injuries. Call 305-423-3800 for a confidential consultation.