Tag Archives: Miami Personal Injury Lawyer

What is Product Liability Law?
Imagine you buy a hairdryer in the hopes it will help you tame your otherwise unpredictable hair. Then, it catches on fire in your bathroom. If you were injured by the dangerous or defective product, who would be held responsible? A consumer can initiate a lawsuit against any party involved in the chain of… Read More »

Recovering Damages in a Wrongful Death Case
If you recently had a loved one die in an accident caused by the negligence of another person, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim. In a wrongful death claim, a surviving spouse or other family sues another party to hold that party accountable for its negligence. As the term implies,… Read More »

Golf Cart Accidents in Florida Are Much More Dangerous and Common Than Most People Would Expect
With its almost year-round sunshine, sandy beaches, and friendly tax codes, Florida is a retirees’ paradise. As a safe haven for elderly individuals, the state has more retirement communities than most other states, which is great for the economy, but which also poses some unique risks. One such risk is golf cart accidents. Because… Read More »

Can You File an Elder Abuse Lawsuit in Florida?
Elder abuse seems to be a growing problem across the country. If you or someone you know has been a victim of elder abuse, you may be wondering what legal steps you can take. More often than ever, people are filing elder abuse lawsuits. This speaks to the growing prevalence of the problem. The… Read More »

Types of Pharmacy Negligence That May Lead to a Liability Lawsuit
Pharmaceutical negligence is an ongoing concern and is a major contributing cause of medical malpractice claims in the United States. Though prevalence rates vary from study to study, an accumulation of studies reveal that they occur at the following rates: 12.3 to 1,400.0 per 1,000 patient admissions for prescribing errors; 0.6 to 53 per… Read More »

What to Do When You Cannot Afford Medical Bills Post-Car Accident and Pre-Settlement, Pt. 2
If you were in a car accident and your damages exceed your insurance policy limits, you may be wondering how you are going to pay the medical bills that keep showing in your mailbox. Part one of this series explored the various insurance options you can use to help foot the expenses. This post… Read More »

Why Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
This topic has been covered time and time again, but surprisingly, more accident victims continue to proceed with their personal injury claims sans representation than those who proceed with legal counsel. At Spencer Morgan Law, we strongly encourage victims to retain the help of an experienced personal injury attorney if you plan to pursue… Read More »

Common Contributing Factors in Boating Accidents
When most people think of boating, they think of relaxing, carefree days out on the water, but the truth is that in some cases boating can be anything BUT relaxing. Boating is just as dangerous as driving, if not more so because fewer rules regulate how boats operate on open water. For instance, while… Read More »

Why An Attorney May Reject Your Personal Injury Case
It is not uncommon for injured parties who seek legal representation to be rejected by the first, second, or even third personal injury attorney whom they interview. If this happens to you, do not be discouraged. Just as you are evaluating lawyers to find the one that is right for you, so too are… Read More »

Is Your Personal Injury Settlement Taxable?
When accident victims settle their personal injury claims, one of the first things that many want to know is, “Is the personal injury settlement taxable?” It is a reasonable question, as Uncle Sam does have his hands in most pots, including one’s income, lottery winnings, and in some states, even alimony payments. If you… Read More »