What If I Was In An Accident In A Rental Car?

Because Florida has a lot of visitors and seasonal residents, there are many seeking rental cars. A rental car could be the ideal solution for a family who takes an airplane to Miami and wants to spend a week vacationing. Or, you may choose to rent a rental car if you live in the area for half the year and have relatives visiting for the holidays, leading to you needing another vehicle. Whatever your reason for renting a car, you are likely doing it for convenience. But, unfortunately, there are times when car accidents occur.
Car accidents can be stressful and confusing. And when the car isn’t even yours you can be even less confident about what to do next after a collision. A Miami car accident lawyer can help.
Understand What Type of Insurance Coverage You Have
One thing that is important to do when you rent a car is to understand what type of insurance protection you have in the event of an accident. For example, you may be covered under your current auto policy. Connect with an insurance agent at your auto insurance company to discuss the intricacies of your coverage. If your rental will be covered by your own policy, be sure to discuss any limits to your policy. There are instances when stolen vehicles aren’t covered, for instance.
Others have protection through their credit card, assuming it is the card you will use to rent the vehicle. Again, understand the details of this coverage if you are planning on relying on it for protection, talk over the details with the credit card company.
Then, once you understand how you will be covered, document any pre-existing issues with the vehicle before you drive away from the rental car location. Yes, the rental car company will assess the vehicle before you are able to drive off the lot, but having your own documentation of dents and problems can be helpful if there is a dispute later.
Collect Driver and Rental Car Information
After an accident, information needs to be collected. This includes the names and contact information of the drivers involved and their insurance information. If you or the other driver were in a rental car, be sure that rental car center information is shared as well. Your lawyer will likely need to contact the rental car agency to reach a settlement.
There can be complicated issues when it comes to rental car accidents in Florida. If you need a legal professional to navigate the negotiations, talk to a Miami car accident lawyer.
Are you struggling to untangle the details of your insurance following a crash in a rental car? A knowledgeable Florida personal injury lawyer can help. With free consultations, our lawyers can determine if you have a right to damage recovery. We will cover your case from the beginning stages to securing final damage awards. Our attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law will fight for fair compensation. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free assessment.